Jairo Gätjens
San jose, Costa Rica
email: jgatjens@gmail.com
I have worked as a software engineer for more than 15 years leading teams, working on hiring processes, personnel management, creating architectures in different areas, projects with tight deadlines and new technologies. Some of the biggest companies and brands I have worked for includes: elancohub.com, interwellhealth.com, ni.com, OrTracker App, mergeworld.com, wunderground.com, 18techs, criticalmass.com, www.cafebritt.cr, hangarworldwide.com, www.pcfinancial.ca, Clorox - Britta +, Jerry García, among others.
- Experience in Typescript and Nodejs.
- Headless development (XMCloud, Contenful, Strapi 3/4, GraphQL, Rest).
- Extensive experience creating design system with Storybook.
- Javascript (React, Angular 1/2, Gulp, Webpack, Rollup, Vite).
- React Native, Ionic.
- Redux, Jotai, React Query, SWR vercel.
- Ajax, Observables, Promises.
- Tailwind CSS, Chakra UI, Radix, (Sass | CSS Modules | Style Components).
- Nextjs, server components, i18n, headless API, Next auth.
- Vercel pro and Enterprise account management.
- 10 years ago C#, C++ and PASCAL.
- Postgres, SQL, MySQL and Microsoft Access databases.
- Backend: Nodejs with prisma and drizzle.
- Mac, Ubuntu, Windows environments no problem.
- SEO optimizations and implementation with AA2.
- Learning Japanese and Threejs.
work history
- Working with an amazing group of people.
- Responsible for creating demos and full products for clients.
- Create Figma prototypes.
- Create style guides and design systems for backend integration.
- React, Next.js, Storybook, Nodejs, etc..
- I enjoy sports (soccer, surfing, and skate surfing).
- PC and macOS environments.
- Career developer
- Work on ni.com projects
- Create unit tests for ni.com projects
- Custom storybook components (angular and vanilla javascript)
- Create a small design system for hangarworldwide.com
- Create programs for people level skills
- Talk directly with clients
- Responsible for creating demos for clients
- Follow Agile methodologies (Azure)
- Create Figma prototypes
- Help with ni.com design system
- Work on OrTracker React native app, Web App, and Node API.
- Work for mergeworld.com.
- Create multiple static and dynamic WordPress sites.
- Create style guides for multiple sites.
- Create SPA using react and angular.
- Migrate www.wunderground.com to angular
- Work with multiple APIs
- Server side rendering with Expressjs
- Unit test with jasmine
- Use of Agile methodology (Jira)
- D3 and D3 server side rendering
- Foundation
- Generated a methodology for Code Reviews at least once a month within the Front–end department.
- Fostered an environment to lunch and learn at least once a month
- Acted as a leader in terms of technology. Manage deliverables, raise flags (risks), and ensure that the projects cames on time and in compliance with the estimate.
- Scheduled and conducted one on one at least every 15 days with all my team members.
- Created tasks for people who were available.
- Collaborated with the Technology Directors, Project Managers, Creative Leads, and Account leads to design, develop and deliver digital marketing projects on mobile, web, and desktop platforms.
- Functioned as a leader and coordinator of the Application Developers, Web Developers, and Database Developers.
- Ensured successful involvement of Project Management, Quality Assurance, and Release Engineering team members.
- Assisted on the architecture and development of multiple projects.
- Designed Web
- based (Java/JSP) Internet applications linked to Oracle databases.
- Analyzed business, functional, and technical requirements.
- Technical Support.
- IT tasks like windows updates, windows problems, new installations, users' specific requests, etc...